Hey humans!

I can’t even believe it’s June now. What? That seriously weirds me out in ways that I can’t explain.

Since May is O-V-E-R for another year, I figured I should do a little favorites post of products and other things that I’ve been loving the past month or so. You guys always ask about my makeup and beauty stuff like that, so I guess I will let you in on my secrets!


1. Sonia Kashuk Makeup @ Target

I am so glad Target finally brought in some designer makeup, because now they literally have everything I need. I LOVE this line–I buy all of my brushes from here, and I also have an eyeshadow pallet, eyebrow filler, nail polish and a brush/bronzer duo.

Ugh, aren’t they so aesthetically pleasing?! I can’t.

2. Smashbox Limitless Liquid Liner – Smashbox

The only liquid liner I will ever use again. I used to just use either Urban Decay or Sephora liner, but after discovering that Smashbox does it best I will never ever use anything else. For everyone asking me how I do my winged eyes so perfectly, it’s because of this little beauty. And my immense skill. Just kidding.

3. Viva La Juicy perfume – Juicy Couture

Okay, in all honesty I have been wearing this same scent almost every day since I was a junior in high school…do the math, that’s over five years. I never get sick of it! Other favorites, though: Pink Sugar by Aquolina & Victoria’s Secret Supermodel

4. Neosporin Overnight Lip Renewal Therapy – Neosporin

This stuff is super cheap and works wonders. I put it on at night, and in the morning I have baby soft lips. Seriously, though–Jarrett always has super dry lips (sorry ’bout it) and one night I gave it to him to put on. The next day when he kissed me I was like, “Why are your lips actually soft for once?” and we didn’t realize until a few days later that it was because of this stuff.


1. Calvin Klein Reversible Sports Bras

I have two of these now, and I’m obsessed. I have one that is black on one side and white on the other, and one that is blue on one side and blue striped on the other. It’s basically like I have four. I can wear them twice before I have to wash them. Shhh. Yes I can. I got these from Macy’s, actually. Score.

Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 3.45.37 PM2. Forever 21

Okay, I used to hate this store because 1) I always am overwhelmed by how much STUFF they have, 2) It’s all super cheap and tends to fall apart, 3) I’m annoying and generally only like designer brands. However, last week I SCORED and got so much really cute stuff for super cheap. (If you wanna see, check out my haul video.) I might have to start going there more often.

3. Free People Seamless Racerback Crochet Bra

Hello. Just got this in black. Am in love with it. Don’t have anything else to say ’bout that.

4. American Apparel

I was going to choose one of their products that I love, but I love them all. So much. I feel like that store embodies my style completely and I LOVE IT!


1. Pitch Perfect 2

Seriously was dying for this entire movie. Jarrett and I saw this a few days ago, and we loved it. I almost think it was better than the first one. Hmmm.

2. Beauty in Christ – Emily Swanson

I did a full review on this book here. 🙂 GO READ!

3. The Mind Body Musings Podcasts – Maddy Moon

I love these. They get me through long drives, and help me fall asleep at night (in a good way!). They are all so different and help me to reconnect with my body and realize that I need to nourish it.

4. Bloglovin‘ & Pinterest

These are my two sources of online entertainment. I love reading my blogs on Bloglovin’ and I love browsing Pinterest for fashion, DIY projects and food that I can make and devour.

Like these bad boys.

Those are a few of the things I’ve really been loving lately! I hope you enjoyed this post and were maybe even informed of a new product you have yet to try out. I need those cookies right now.

Talk to me:

What’s your favorite place to online shop? –> Victoria’s Secret, Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, Triangl, Nasty Gal.

What perfume scent is your favorite? –> Sweat is a scent, too. Sometimes I rock that one.


8 thoughts on “FAVORITES: MAY 2015!

  1. Hope you and your butt are feeling better. Thanks for the book review, I have had my eye on it for a while now. Really want to see Pitch Perfect 2 (and 1, since I never saw it). Rebel Wilson makes me laugh! This may come off as an odd comment but it is meant with the best of intentions. It is a really good sign you sometimes have o’de sweat. Sweating is a sign the body is working! Hormones are good stuff! Have a terrific week!


  2. I always do my online shopping on Amazon. I never buy clothes online because I actually like to go to the store and try stuff on. It’s really fun. I also love thrift stores and vintage shops because the thrill of the chase is what I love most.
    I have hit a few VC sales and they have been great. Best bras available 🙂


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